Crayond Blog

Can you and your startup see what’s coming?

I wanted to begin this for so long, took almost an eternity but finally flagging off my first ever blog. What can you expect?. Everything about a startup and entrepreneurship straight from the gut. 

It look 12 years, 5 startups, 4 partnerships to discover what I stood for and what the brand I build should stand for. Yes, whatever has come to light now has been my shadow but hasn’t been bright enough for me to see all this long. We were going through the exercise of launching our new version of the website at Crayon’d and we had vision as a place holder. I had to make it powerful but very authentic to the extent that it points to our destiny. So, here is what I wrote.

To be renowned as a brand that constantly innovates, strives for excellence, transforms people into influential leaders, makes customers fall in love, inspires a generation to come and innovate in this competitive world of commerce.

How do I feel now?. The most confident, absolute, powerful and a sense of inevitability about what’s coming. There is a remarkable change in my approach as a person and leader having discovered the true purpose of this entrepreneurship journey.

The vision is THE THING that gives you courage, path, light, focus, grit, name it. Do you and your startup have a purpose and see what’s coming?. If it’s still a shadow, bring it to light this minute!


Makesh Gopalakrishnan

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