Think about buying a new mobile, you’ll first and most probably check the latest model of the brand that you already own. In a few cases, there is a high possibility of family members owning a mobile from the same brand.
Even though I am not an astrologer.
The majority of us will probably experience this situation at some point in our lives. Many factors may contribute to this situation, you may be happy and satisfied with the product, customer service, offers, pricing, etc. As a result, that particular product or company may become your go-to first choice, and you also prefer to refer to others.
Consequently, you develop a loyal relationship with the product, further developing you into a loyal audience.
Studies show that loyal audiences might only make up 20% of your audience but they provide up to 80% of the revenue.
In this blog, let’s discuss why loyal audiences or customers are crucial for business and practical strategies to build your own territory.
Why it’s important to have a loyal audience
Loyal customers are the greatest asset of an organization!
Loyalty is about likability and the ability to trust your product or company. If you have loyal customers, they will trust you, do more business with you, and choose you over your competitors.
Here are a few characteristics of loyal audiences,
- They are less or non-volatile. They don’t swap your product for attributes like price or availability. Instead, they wait or pay more for the product they love.
- Loyal customers contribute more to word-of-mouth marketing.
- Loyal customers will always be curious to know your updates or latest launch, keep you as a priority, and purchase repeatedly.
- Loyal audiences turn into brand ambassadors with or without knowing. They feel the pride to share their experience with people who have the same pain point.
It’s now understood that building loyal audiences over time is so crucial for your product or business.
Here are some practical ways to do it. Let’s get started!
7 Best growth strategies to create loyal audiences
1. Leverage your online presence
A decade ago, companies gained attention through trade shows, print ads, or cold calls. But now, the digital era has greatly influenced and changed users buying behavior.
According to a survey, 85% of consumers research a product online before making a purchase.
Online presence became a prime decision-maker in the user’s buying behavior. A rich online presence is crucial irrespective of your business, scale, or industry.
Leveraging digital presence improves your brand awareness, strengthens your product or business credibility, builds better customer support, and targets the local and global markets.
A sustainable online presence is the bottom line of getting loyal audiences. As it sets the narrative of who you are as a brand and sets yourself apart from competitors.
To do so, here are a few suggestions:
- 56% of consumers won’t consider a business without a website. Create your website, professionally, use relevant keywords, work on domain authority, and update it frequently.
- The Manifest reports that 74% of consumers follow brands on social media. Social media is a great way to maintain a digital presence. Find the platform where your ideal customers are grouped and leverage your presence. However, you should still register on all the other sites for better results.
- Build your own application if needed.
- Practice email marketing.
- Reach out to influencers in your industry, and make them share your product or business experience.
On the whole, consistency is the key to leveraging your digital presence. Be consistent, unique, and updated while practicing an online presence.
2. Provide quality content
In content creation, the concept of “quality” is extremely vital.
For every search query, we all have some website in mind, and check out those sites first. Since we know the quality of the information and rely on them.
Don’t overfeed your customers with unnecessary or irrelevant content. This only distances you from your potential users. Instead, provide high-quality content that will automatically attract more organic traffic, make users visit again, and make a lasting impression in your industry. Additionally, search engines like Google prefer quality, reader-centric content when ranking websites.
Start creating unique, authentic, highly informative content and win your customer’s loyalty.
3. Make a simple trial option
The common problem that stops everyone is the fear of making a long-term commitment to a product without experiencing it. The trial option helps to get rid of that and lets the users feel and trust your product.
A simple trial option is a growth strategy for converting visitors into potential users. The trial acts as a ladder of progress that motivates people to get the experience of the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.
Through the trial option, the user can see how it actually functions and explore all those goodies you’ve been trying to describe to them. And at the end of the trial, we may either get potential customers or valuable feedback.
“Do not offer a free trial when your customer can’t get a complete picture of how your product benefits them during a reasonable free trial period.”
– Wayne Mulligan, co-founder of crowdability
Understand your customer and set the trial as simple and beneficial as possible. Since, a complex or long process will frustrate users and make them leave during the process of signing up for the trial, which creates a lasting bad experience with your product.
4. Become more human
“66% of consumers say they’re likely to switch brands if they feel treated like a number, not an individual.”
In today’s noisy, social world, people are no longer interested in simply purchasing a product that fits their needs. Instead, customers search for a product or brand with a personal connection, natural communication, better customer relationships, and personalized service.
Humanizing your product or brand helps to stay different from similar offerings, can be remembered or recalled easily, and lets people develop trust and long-term relationships.
Here are a few ways to humanize your brand or product,
- Reveal or mention the faces of your team members on social platforms.
- Try to respond to customer’s queries as personally as possible instead of using a bot.
- Engage and respond to user’s queries, feedback, and mentions on social platforms.
- Show up regularly with webinars or live.
- Create shareable content and hashtags around your audience’s thoughts and pain points.
- Share activities like the progress of the product, and team members’ milestones, involve in social activity consistently.
5. Social impact marketing
Almost 70% of consumers want to know how brands address social and environmental issues.
Nowadays, people are more conscious of environmental and social issues. Also, they are more willing to contribute in any way they can.
Active participation in social causes builds a positive reputation among the public. A brand or product that is accountable for social impact activity will be more celebrated and welcomed. It also induces word-of-mouth marketing and can spread like a flash to a mass audience.
As human beings, we are emotionally driven and get easily attracted to these campaigns and choose these products or companies among competitors.
Social impact marketing is a strategy where a company takes an active role in the community for change or a specific cause. Find and work on a social cause that gels with your product or company mission, and core values. Instead of representing your product first, create and sell your promise for a better world in the social impact campaign.
Here are two mindblowing social impact campaigns,
- Dominos paved the cracks and chronic potholes of 50 states across America.
- Toms has donated 100,000,000 pairs of shoes.
Paving a road by a pizza company or Shoe company donating shoes may look like an unneeded or ridiculous activity. But these brands wisely weaved their product objective with a social cause and created a great impact.
Dominos believed that a pothole would ruin a good pizza. So, they initiated a campaign, Paving for Pizza to fix the roads and they also created a separate website where customers can request to pave their area.
Toms with its One for One campaign offers one pair of shoes for every pair that a customer buys for a child in need. To date, there have been donations of 100 million pairs of shoes.
6. Work on your unhappy customer
Unhappy customers are the best highlighters of product loopholes and flaws.
Unhappy customers are a great influential factor to make or break a product or brand’s value. A prompt response or resolution to their complaints may also turn them into loyal audiences or even advocates for your brand.
Study shows that customers will tell an average of 9 people about a positive product experience but will tell 16 people about a negative experience. This is because human nature makes negative news travel fast as they like to warn others, particularly those they care about.
Here are the few best ways to effectively address this issue:
- Treat the cause
Instead of getting frustrated with that particular customer, treat the root cause. Check why the issue is happening, and try to figure out and solve the query.
- Catch as quickly as possible
Users waiting for a response
70 % of the people prefer a response on the same day they have contacted (Survey by Statista). So, keep your customer service as active and available as possible.
- Make sure you have responded
Ensure that you have replied to all queries. Respond politely and send a thank you note for notifying the issue.
- Bring everyone together
Shopify identifies Twitter as the most used and easily accessible platform for their users. So, created a separate account (Spotify Cares) on Twitter and dedicated it entirely to providing customer support. Those who tweet their complaints to the account receive prompt responses and immediate assistance.
7. Stand out of the line
According to Harvard Business School statistics, over 30,000 new products are introduced every year.
In this saturated market, there is a high chance of your product going unrecognized or left as a choice. Creating a competitive edge and unique space is a growth strategy to acquire loyal audiences.
Few effective ways to stay ahead,
- Find your Unique Selling Point (USP) and use it for branding your product.
- Maintain a unique brand voice. Nike’s, Just Do tagline, represents a positive, friendly, and motivating tone. Likewise, the Apple brand gives a proud and exclusive tone to its users.
- Define your value proposition clearly and deliver it to the right potential customers.
End Note
First and foremost, It’s important to understand that all businesses fall under human-to-human connection. Building loyal audiences is a long-term process that includes valuing each customer individually.
Your loyal customers are the key to boosting your product’s growth and maintaining its survival during hard times.
By consistently practicing the strategies discussed in this blog, you will be able to build loyal customers for your product.
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